Who are the Portuguese?
Who are we? How is this society we live in organized? What were we like 50 years ago? And what are we like today?
One of the most interesting ways to get to know our country and customs is to go through its changes. Many have no idea how much it cost our grandparents to live at that time, how much they suffocated in Portugal, how much they wanted to shout the word FREEDOM and couldn't, and how much they wanted to be FREE!
Today we are different thanks to these changes. Today we live longer and better. Today we are grateful for being free and for not forgetting who we were and who we are.
“The life of a free person is considered offensive to all those who live trapped by appearances and rules.”
My Freedom is a multidisciplinary show where the word “Liberdade” is the key in this piece that portrays the time before, during and after the 25th of April 1974. Lasting 50 minutes without intermission, it is a show in Portuguese where the Videography has a strong connection with dance. A co-production with Cinema-Teatro Joaquim d´Almeida, premiered during the city's April 25th celebrations and on World Dance Day.